The founder of StarLight, Bruno Ruotolo, strongly believe in aesthetics and design. Of course, all lamps have a high light intensity and are especially functional. However, even where style and shapeliness boost creative work, lamps of StarLight are integrated into the overall appearance.
Light as the Focal Point of a Stylish Interior
First of all aluminium is the main material for most of our housings. By anodizing in different colors and an appealing geometry, the work place lamps of the TL- and PL series are real eye catchers. Out of the PL series also the desktop lamp “Cono” has been designed.
If you want to illuminate not only the desk, but the complete office, StarLight has access to many high level suppliers in the general lighting market. Our trade mark “norisLED” which has been created in 2012, addresses especially the correct illumination of offices, industrial halls, residential properties and leisure facilities as well as gastronomic establishments.
More Place for Important Issues
Today’s work places could, in extrem cases, consist of a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. On the classic desks with folders, pens, documents and archive systems only one thing is missing: enough space. Therefore a lighting system with a small footprint is very advantageous.
The work place lamps of the PL series can be fixed at the desk with a screw clamp and doesn’t need additional space. Thanks to a practical articulated arm it can be moved over the complete working area in order to illuminate the right space. The intensity of the illumination can be adapted with a control unit to the right level.
Work to Rule
The high life span of the LEDs as well as the sophisticated construction of our lamps guarantee an easy use over the years. The high light intensity level provides illumination, which clearly exceeds the required lux-level for desktops. Beside the successful design, a work place lamp of StarLight is also a professional light transmitter, which can support and inspire you at any work.