As far as the eye can reach. The working distance and its relevance.

Dependig on the particular application the distance between light source and the object to be analyzed vary. Therefore each ring light has a minimum, a maximum and an optimal working distance. The latter means, that the object is in the focus of the ring light and therefore it is perfectly and evenly illuminated.

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Optimal Working Distances

Optimal Working Distances

RL4 and RL5

RL4 and RL5

The right Ring Light for each application.

Whereas the short working distances of 10 mm to 50 mm of the RL1 and RL2 are perfect for photo and video applications in the near-field, the RL12 still powerfully illuminates, if the distance is up to 800 mm. The series RL4 and RL5, however, are designed to meet the needs of scenarios of all common microscopes.

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