Retrofitting of Microscopes to LED Technology
While new microscopes are already equipped with LEDs for transmitted light and reflected light, older models still come with conventional halogen lighting systems. This usually delivers less light together with a higher power consumption and a considerable shorter life span. A high quality microscope usually has a long operating life over decades. If a halogen lamp fails and if all mechanical and optical systems are still in order, a replacement of the conventional halogen lighting by a modern LED system must be considered.
For the widely distributed microscope family Zeiss Standard StarLight has developed the transmitted light system ML3, a product which can easily replace the conventional transmitted light by a LED solution. Beside various color temperatures to even ultraviolet versions you can also choose between an integrated light control and a remote solution.
In the product range “incident light” StarLight offers a variety of product series which enable users to take advantage of modern LED technology. Light guides and fiber optic ring lights in combination with a LED cold light source as well as LED (segment-) ring lights and multi-armed goose-neck lamps equipped with the innovative modul-LED® system, cover many applications and enable professional work at a microscope with an efficient light system for many years.
At other microscopes types, where the conventional technique should be replaced, StarLight has the knowhow and experience for professionally refitting the device. Some examples, already equipped with LED light, are the Zeiss inverted microscope ID03 or the operations microscope OPMI1 / OPMI9.
Modernisation of Work Place Lighting
The range of applications where light is a very important standard equipment is wide. Sewing, painting, grinding… across all industries, a perfect illumination is a basic requirement for a satisfying result. Likewise, the visual inspection is still is a reliable tool for the quality controlt, even in state-of-the-art and modern production lines. Here brightness and flexible positioning are determined factors as well as energy efficiency and life span.
The standard product range of StarLight offers many lighting systems, which can easily replace older lamps on work places, mostly gaining brightness, functionality and efficiency. Even if there are still intact mechanical parts like the fixation, housing or arms, StarLight finds the right illuminants for your application. Even necessary adaptions of the electronic are thought through carefully in order to ensure a a propre and safe operation.
We are experienced in providing professional maintenance and/or repair service, for all kind of optical products – on-site or in our own workshop, including spare parts with reasonable prices from various manufacturers.