Experience from numerous projects and extensive expertise about light, electronic and mechanic make StarLight a reliable contact in search for an optimal solution. Already standard products cover a broad range of typical lighting applications. In many cases even small modifications of the standard are sufficient to meet the requirements of special and customized solutions.
Yet new approaches for the solution of a problem are found very quickly on the base of state-of-the-art technologies. The basis for this is a detailed overview of possibilities, which offer LEDs and mechanical components. This knowhow combined with creativity will be applied to customer needs.
StarLight is the perfect companion on the way from an idea to a finished lighting system. In the development of our product range systematic and methodical approaches have emerged over the years, from which also application specific solutions benefit. Regular coordinations with our clients and flexibility at special needs do not conflict with efficient and economical development work.
Our processes are organized according to a quality management system which meets the requirements of ISO-9001:2008.
Design and Construction
For the construction of products and special customer solutions we are working with the CAD-System Solid Works. The various functions and formats of this software ensure a seamless cooperation with our customers. Development steps and diverse versions are recorded and can be reused when needed. Our specialists in electronic engineering, optical physics and mechanics develop solutions, which are well thought out in all aspects of a finished product. Short distances and documented communication also ensure a fast reaction to changed requirements.